April 23, 2021

The Amazing Kuzu

Kuzu (also spelled Kudzu) is one of the world’s largest and hardiest vegetable roots. In Japan and China it’s a […]
March 18, 2021

Autumn Support

Autumn time can be a huge shock for our bodies. We go from the heightened energy of summer and late […]
February 4, 2021

Essential Oils for Summer Ailments

Ever since I remember, my daughter Maya has been allergic to mozzie bites.  One time when she was around 2 […]
October 8, 2019

5 Common Spring Issues and HOW you can Support Them (Part 3)

Last week’s blog explored HOW to solve the Top 5 common Spring issues from a Japanese Yoga (and Traditional Chinese […]
October 1, 2019

5 Common Spring Issues and HOW you can Support Them (Part 2)

Last week’s blog explored 5 common Spring issues from a Japanese Yoga (and Traditional Chinese Medicine = TCM) perspective. They […]
September 24, 2019

5 Common Spring Issues and WHY they happen in Spring (Part 1)

In Japanese Yoga, each season has its challenges and gifts. If you think of spring from an energetic point of […]