January 14, 2021

Why Losing Weight Shouldn’t be on your Resolution List

Imagine a world where all body types were accepted and loved. Where natural differences in colour, shape, size and ability […]
January 7, 2021

New Year ‘DIGITAL OSOUJI’: Digi-Detox Lessons

Some like to throw big parties for their milestone birthdays. For my 30th, I celebrated by climbing Mt Fuji. It […]
January 20, 2020

Saving Water the Japanese Way

Australia’s current drought may be the worst in 800 years according to a recent paper published by the University of […]
September 17, 2019

I needed to say NO

The other week something happened where I needed to say no. (And I realised that it’s okay to do that, […]
June 25, 2019

Why trying to make others change is a waste of time and what you can do instead

A concept I’ve been working on this year is ‘to meet you where you’re at’. And in the spirit of […]

Got stiff, sore neck and shoulders?

Get quick relief with this FREE Japanese Yoga VIDEO.
No need to change clothes or leave your desk!

Warning: It’ll also boost your energy, reduce your stress and make you smile.