February 4, 2021

Essential Oils for Summer Ailments

Ever since I remember, my daughter Maya has been allergic to mozzie bites.  One time when she was around 2 […]
January 28, 2021

SPOTLIGHT SOLUTION for Stiff Necks and Frozen Shoulder

Have you ever noticed you’re prone to certain health issues at certain times of the year? Spring hay fever is […]
March 20, 2020

Got respiratory challenges (or want to bolster your lung health)? You’ll want to try THESE two remedies

I’m not going to say the C-word, but you know what I mean… “I just don’t know what to do” […]

Got stiff, sore neck and shoulders?

Get quick relief with this FREE Japanese Yoga VIDEO.
No need to change clothes or leave your desk!

Warning: It’ll also boost your energy, reduce your stress and make you smile.