Ever get the feeling life’s moving faster? And all you want to do is slow down?
I do – especially after having my darling daughter 7 years ago!
When you stop and think about it, time really does speed up the older you get.
When you’re born, 12 hours are 50% of your life.
When you’re 1 year old, 6 months are 50 % of your life.
When you’re 2 years old, 6 months has become 25% of your life.
And by the time you hit the ripe old age of 5 years old, 6 months has become only 10% worth.
My head hurts to do the calculations beyond 5, but you get my drift!
Time really does speed up with each year.
Thankfully, with age comes wisdom (if you’re lucky!) and there’re lots of positive things you can do to slow down and smell the roses.
Here are my top tips to slow down time:
1. Have a daily mindfulness practice –start with just a few minutes. One of my favourites is closing my eyes and noticing all the sounds around me, starting with the nearest sounds to me and then taking my awareness as far away as I can
2. Breathe. Take moments to breathe deeply during the day. Slowing your breathing slows down time. You can set the alarm on your phone to remind yourself until this becomes habit
3. Take every chance possible to look a child in the eyes -without being creepy!
4. Explore what brings you joy and make it a priority. In other words: schedule it in.
5. Take ‘nature breaks’ throughout the day. Catch a sunset, admire a flower, look up at the sky, notice nature in weird places (like a fern sticking out of a building wall)
6. Do random acts of kindness: fun random kindness act- give an extra $5 to the barista next time you grab a coffee. Ask them to credit not the next person, but the 2nd or 3rd person after you (so they won’t know it was you). Sit back, enjoy your coffee and watch the surprise, smiles and delight when your person hears the news. They may even pay their order forward to someone else!
7. Say ‘no’ more often. Ask yourself when asked to take part in anything: if it were next Tuesday, would I say yes? If the answer’s no, you know what to do….
8. Be grateful. Start and finish each day with 3 things you’re grateful for
9. Have a mantra and make it fun! One I’ve got stuck to the sun visor in my car is “I’m a magnet for divine abundance in the form of time, health, money, loving friends and family and rock star parking spots”
10. Shift your mindset and make YOU a priority. Remember that self-care doesn’t mean ‘me first’ – it means ‘me too’. Your health and wellbeing matters just as much as your loved ones wellbeing. Make that weekly yoga Class a priority. The guy coming to quote your sound system can come on a different day. Make space in the budget for your supplements and not just the kid’s ones. My life has never been the same since I started taking Doterra’s Lifelong Vitality Supplements. It not only contains vitamins and minerals but also essential oils. I’ve noticed a massive increase in energy levels and decrease in stress since I started taking them 2 years ago. Plus I sleep A LOT better, which for me is the foundation of everything. Click here for more information about how to get Doterra’s Lifelong Vitality
Which was your favourite tip?
Do you have any other strategies for slowing down and smelling the roses?
Let me know in the comments.
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